Saturday, January 3, 2009


  • AIRCRAFT CARRIER:An aircraft carrier gets about 6inchs per gallon of fuel.
  • COMPACT DISC:Compact Disc read from inside to outside edge,the reverse of how a record works.
  • ELECTRIC CHAIR:The electric chair was invented by a Dentist,Alfred Southwick.
  • MOBILE PHONES:As much as 80% of microwaves from mobile phones are absorbed by your head.
  • SOUND:Sound travels 15 times faster through steel than air.
  • TELEPHONE:There are more than 600 million telephones line today,yet almost half the World's population has never made a phone call.
  • TRANSISTORS:More than a billion transistors are manufactured every second.
  • RADIO WAVES:Radio waves travels so much faster than sound waves that a broadcast voice can be heard sooner 18,000 km away than in the back of the room in which it originated.
  • GLASS:If hot water is poured into a glass that glass is more apt to break if it is thick than if it is thin.Thats why test tubes are made of thin glass.
  • E-MAIL:The first e-mail was sent over the internet in 1972.
  • WORLD TRADE CENTER:The World Trade Center tower were designed to collapse in a pancake like fashion,instead of simply falling over on their sides.This design saved thousand of lives during the September 11,2001 attack.


dranz3r said...

Did the Towers collapse like they were designed to???

Anonymous said...

yes....of course it collapsed in side ways....

zo said...

this is a piece of information dude!
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